
Usage is very simple. There are available several Bash scripts. You only need to execute ./ that does everything.

Be patient because processing takes several minutes.

The script downloads DASTA code lists, extracts them from ZIP file, recode, generate file and execute the conversion utility dscl2rdf itself.

You will have DSCL Ontology in dscl.owl file and instances in a separate file dscl.xml when processing finished.

Conversion utility


usage: java -jar ${project.artifactId}-${project.version}.jar -c <prop> 
                -i <dir> -k <prop> -l <prop> -m <name> -o <dir>


-c,--codelists prop
Property file with code-list group definition (DS, NCLP, UZIS).
-i,--input-dir dir
Input DASTA directory. It must contain the DASTA code-lists.
-k,--keys prop
Property file with a list of attributes that will be used as a code-list item key.
-l,--labels prop
Property file with a list of attributes that will be used as a code-list item label.
-m,--model name
The output model/file name.
-o,--output-dir dir
Output directory. Supported is the RDF/XML serialization.