
Classification classification

Original image.

Original image.

Image after the first pre-processing and binarization.

Image first binarization.

Image after the second pre-processing and binarization.

Image second binarization.

De-identification of protected text in pixel data deidentification

The former position of burned-in personal information is shown by gray or yellow rectangles on each DICOM image.

ECHO/SONO deidentification-echo

De-identified DICOM image - example 1.
De-identified DICOM image - example 2.
De-identified DICOM image - example 3.

Abdomen deidentification-abdomen

De-identified DICOM image - example 4.

Foot/Leg deidentification-leg

De-identified DICOM image - example 5.
De-identified DICOM image - example 6.

Brain deidentification-brain

De-identified DICOM image - example 7.
De-identified DICOM image - example 8.
De-identified DICOM image - example 9.
De-identified DICOM image - example 10.
De-identified DICOM image - example 11.